There are many reasons that make a married couple wants to have a daughter. Although in the case of Islam and other religions child's gender is determined by God, but that does not mean there is no effort or ways that can be done to make it happen. Here we have compiled guidelines on how to make beautiful young girls are taken from some reliable sources. Please be listened to! How to Make Girls gynecological Some experts claim that the case turned out to be the formation of a baby's sex has been determined since the beginning of time the process of fertilization occurs. In this case, factors sp3rma cell chromosome fertilises the egg is the main determinant.
Note that sp3rma divided into two types, namely the X chromosome (the baby girl) and sp3rma Y (the baby boy). Sp3rma X have the endurance and the ability to live a long (4-5 days) but tends to move slower, while Y chromosome sp3rma have the ability to live a short (1-2 days) but has a fast movement. To be able to make the baby is female, you should do so in such a way that optimizes egg fertilization is done by sp3rma cell chromosome X. The ways to make girls are tailored to the nature and characteristics of each type of sp3rmanya.
1. Time Associated According to the Shettles method, if you want to have a baby is female, you are advised to intercourse 2-4 days before your fertile period. It has an important role in achieving your success in making girls. At 2-4 days before the fertile period, the eggs are hidden and out of reach sp3rma cell chromosome Y (sp3rma prospective baby boy). Sp3rma Y chromosome will be dead before you can find the ovaries given the short life age between 1-2 days. If the Y chromosome sp3rma many die, then the chances sp3rma X chromosome (sp3rma prospective baby girl) fertilizes the ovary will be even greater. Sp3rma are able to survive in the cervix up to 4-5 days or until the ovaries ready to be fertilized.
2.Shallow penetration To be able to conceive a boy, deep penetration during intercourse is the key to success, but if you are hoping to get pregnant girls, the opposite is true. Ask your husband to penetrate the shallow to create opportunities sp3rma cells the greater the baby girl in the win pool match to reach the egg.
3. Position of Having Sex in a position misi0naris, sp0ns, and the woman called the top 0n can increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl. These positions can limit the depth of penetration, thus making ej4kulasi sp3rma getting away with the cervix.
4. Do not 0rgasme Some experts from Cambridge University claims that the key to successfully conceive a baby girl is to avoid 0rgasme female partner when a relationship. 0rgasme in women can release alkali ions in the cervix that make the surrounding environment is alkaline and less friendly for prospective sp3rma baby girl. To prevent 0rgasme in women during intercourse, try not to do foreplay too long in women, do more frequent intercourse, or stimulation 0rgasme early.
5. Often Associated When you and your partner are trying to get a baby girl, it's good you two are doing more relationships, especially in the 4-5 days before your fertile period. Often associated sp3rma will help lower the number of male produced by your husband, so that will automatically increase the level of competition sp3rma female chromosome to fertilize your ovaries.
7. Eat food acids Some experts argue that consume a lot of acidic foods in the morning of the fertile period could be one way of making girls. Eating acidic foods such as vinegar, brown, or soft drinks will keep the pH decreases v4gina environment. v4gina low pH environment will make the baby sp3rma men are not able to reach the ovaries, so the chances of the egg cell by cell terbuahinya sp3rma prospective baby girl getting bigger. Keep in mind that this method should not be applied if you have a problem with Magh or your stomach.
8. Avoid Food Alkalis addition to consuming acidic foods, to obtain a girl, you are also advised to reduce foods that are alkaline, such as cucumbers, almonds, crackers, cereal, bread, or apple. These foods can make your v4gina pH becomes alkaline and make sp3rma prospective baby girl sp3rma candidate to compete with boys in achieving ovaries.
9. Adjust the acidity level V4gina One way to make girls believed by traditional Indonesian society is to give the vinegar water to v4gina before intercourse. 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar dissolved in 1 scoop of warm water to wash your v4gina before contact is believed to make the acidity v4gina support sp3rma cell life of the baby girl. Although there is no scientific evidence that explains this treatment, some people who have tried declared that the way to make girls with this method is quite effective and provide optimal results.
10. In addition to salt diet will restore your blood pressure be back to normal, reduce salt intake is also believed to increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl. Try to put just a little salt to your diet from now on.
11. Shower Before Having Some people believe that the candidate sp3rma baby boy will reject the excessive heat in the body of his mother. This factor could certainly be used if you want to have a baby girl. You can soak your body in a tub of warm water before intercourse with her husband. Soaking in warm water will stimulate an increase in your body temperature and make the chances of conception by sp3rma cells of the baby boy is getting smaller. Well, so some girls how to create successful we collect from reliable sources. Please try and prove yourself usefulness.
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